What is Digital Advertising? Digital Advertising, also called internet marketing, is when businesses like yours leverage internet technologies to deliver promotional advertisements to consumers. It includes promotional advertisements and messages delivered through:
- Social Media
- Online Advertising on: Search engines & banner ads
There are many different types of digital advertising. In this blog, we will discuss five:
- Geofencing
- Retargeting
- Keyword/Search Targeting
- Behavioral Targeting
- IP Targeting
Digital advertising will drive traffic to your website, increase leads and generate more patients.
Let’s dive in!
What is Geofencing?
Geofencing is a location-based digital marketing tool that lets marketers send messages to smartphone users in a defined geographic area. Geofencing can work on smartphones, desktop and tablets.
A business (business A) can create a geofence around a competitor (business B), so when someone is near, going into or coming out of that geofence (business B), ads will pop up on that someone’s device for business A on websites or social media pages they visit.
Geofencing is great for:
- Auto dealers
- Healthcare
- Home builders
- and more
Geofencing allows you to hit back with the right message at the right time. For example, if a potential customer is leaving a rival car dealership, you can hit them with a message that shows them your inventory and any great deals you have going on. This will have them considering alternative options, and chances are high they will come to your dealership to comparison shop.
What is Retargeting?
Retargeting is a cookie-based technology that uses simple a Javascript code to anonymously “follow” your audience all over the internet.
(“We’re following the leader, the leader, the leader…” Yes, I had to use a Disney reference.)
Here’s how it works:
- You place a small, unobtrusive piece of code on your website called a pixel
- The pixel is unnoticeable to your site visitors and won’t affect your site’s performance
- Every time a new visitor comes to your site, the code drops an anonymous browser cookie
- Later, when your visitors browse the web, the cookie will let your retargeting provider know when to serve ads, ensuring that you serve ads only to people who have previously visited your site
Retargeting campaigns are useful when you want to re-engage website visitors and tell them about relevant products, features or announcements — when you want them to remember you and stay at the forefront of their mind.
Say someone visited your site and put an item in their cart but didn’t check out. You can use specific codes to retarget those people and remind them to finish the deal.
What is Keyword or Search Retargeting?
Search retargeting is similar to retargeting because you only show advertisements to potential customers after they have taken a specific action. Retargeting happens after an individual has already visited your site, search retargeting is when an individual has previously searched for a keyword or keyword phrase that is being specifically targeted by you.
- A user visits a search engine and conducts a search
- The search happens to be for a keyword that the campaign includes
- When the user finishes searching, they leave the search engine to surf the internet
- As they visit websites, they are a candidate to be shown a display advertisement for this campaign based on their previous search history
- For instance, a person searching for “physical therapists in Morgantown” has shown interest and intent and is now a qualified potential customer that will be shown a display advertisement on the client’s behalf
What is Behavioral Targeting?
Behavioral targeting works by collecting data about the user: What they buy, what they read and what they search for. The more time goes on, the more data is collected. Behavioral targeting can gauge a potential customer’s interests and preferences. Through a potential customer’s behavior on the web, companies are able to serve better ads that are going to interest them.
Behaviorally-targeted ads make for a more cost-effective campaign. Marketers pay to reach only potential customers who have shown demonstrated interest, and serve ads only on web pages that these customers visit.
What is IP Targeting?
IP targeting is delivered to a user’s geographic location as determined by an individual’s IP address. Every computer connected to the internet has an IP address associated with it.
You can place your ad in front of millions of households reaching an audience within the comforts of their home. IP targeting is also a more cost-effective approach as opposed to radio, print and TV.
You are able to target households, coffee shops, airports, etc. You could also target everyone at a trade show or conference. The options are endless. IP Target is a good way to deliver a timely and relevant message.
Digital Ads — Website (02242017) from InnerAction Media on Vimeo.
InnerAction Media | Digital Advertising | Morgantown, WV | Surrounding Area
Digital advertising is constantly changing, and when marketing your business, you have to stay ahead of the curve. It can be a little overwhelming at times to know what approach is going to work best for your goals. That’s where we come in. We have a team of experts who are here for you. We genuinely care about the success of you and your business.
If you need steered in the right direction, contact us today for a free marketing consultation: